ELWA Ebola Update
Written by Jake Buller, Photos by Bethany Fankhauser The first rumors of Ebola in Liberia began to seep into conversation in the middle of March. Before the month closed, there were cases being reported from Lofa, and papers all over the capital city carried headlines with “Ebola” in the title. As the situation grew more serious, ELWA…
Bahr Town ECOL School Visit
Last Thursday, SIM missionaries Jenny Elphick and Bethany Fankhauser, and two visitors with the group EMA (ELWA Ministries Association) visited the Bahr Town ECOL School with Rev. Samuel Johnson, the Chairman of the ECOL Education committee. The Principal, Rev Sackie, students and teachers were very welcoming. They saw lessons in Mathematics, spelling, reading and phonics and it was clear that the school has been doing a great…
Vice President of Liberia Visits ELWA
The Vice President visited the site of the new ELWA Hospital and the new ELWA Radio Studio last Saturday. It was great to be able to show him round the progress at the Radio Studio which we hope will have the roof on and be watertight by the beginning of the rainy season. Rusty Laird,…