Ebola Update: July 18, 2014

Thank you for your continued prayers for those who have been affected by the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Also thank you for praying for the SIM missionaries in Liberia who are working around-the-clock in the isolation unit at ELWA Hospital where patients who are victims of this deadly virus are cared for. As most…

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ELWA Ebola Update

 Written by Jake Buller, Photos by Bethany Fankhauser The first rumors of Ebola in Liberia began to seep into conversation in the middle of March. Before the month closed, there were cases being reported from Lofa, and papers all over the capital city carried headlines with “Ebola” in the title. As the situation grew more serious, ELWA…

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ELWA Hospital Construction

The new ELWA hospital construction continues! The larger building shown is the clinic and pediatric ward and the two smaller buildings are the female and male wards. The construction of the kitchen and laundry facilities is complete. We look forward to making a significant amount of progress on the hospital in 2014. Thank you to…

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